Shamrock Financial Coaching

Coach Tom Curran
Dave Ramsey
Preferred Coach

Coach Curran has attended and completed 
Ramsey Solutions Financial Coach Master Training.

Coach Tom's Business Success Radio Show was featured on Chicago's AM 560

Just like countless individuals, Tom fell into major debt and successfully used Ramsey's strategies and techniques to become totally debt free. 

Tom is on a personal mission to help other people on their journey to become debt free, easily budget their monthly finances, save for retirement, provide for their children's college fund and give back to their church or charitable organizations. 

What You Receive...

» What would it feel like to be in control of your finances?
» What would it feel like to be debt free and have peace of mind?
» What would it feel like to have extra money every month?

For a limited time, Get a special “Master Your Monthly Finances” Coaching Session (a $300 value) for FREE with Coach Tom Curran.

During this powerful, one-on-one coaching session, we will work together to:

     ► Create a crystal clear vision of how to become debt free while taking control over your monthly budget and what it will take to make it happen – FAST.

     ► Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success with becoming debt free and finally discover a proven plan to empower yourself to reach financial independence and have peace of mind…

     ► Leave this session renewed, re-energized and inspired to get out of debt and become financially free for yourself and your family.

If you would like to take advantage of this very special, very limited and totally FREE 45 Minute “Master Your Monthly Finances” coaching session, CLICK on BUTTON:

Coach Tom's Bio...

Coach Curran was trained by Dave Ramsey and his team at Ramsey Solutions and completed the Financial Coach Master Training. 

As a Dave Ramsey Preferred Coach, Tom is focused on offering personal finance coaching and education to help empower you to take charge of your money.

Coach Curran is the founder of Shamrock Coaching and is focused on providing the highest level of training to his clients and students.

Tom has interviewed and consulted with top leaders in the industry including:

     » Bob PROCTOR, featured in the book and movie: The Secret
     » Mark Victor HANSEN, Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
     » Russell BRUNSON, Click Funnels Co-Founder
     » Brendon BURCHARD, High Performance Coach
     » David BACH, Author of the Automatic Millionaire
     » Mike FILSAIME, CEO GroveDigital
     » James MALINCHAK, Business and Motivational Speaker
     » Steve HARRISON, Host of National Publicity Summit
     » Sean D. TUCKER, Aerobatic Pilot
     » Steve OLSHER, Founder of Podcast Magazine
     » and the list continues…

Tom Curran is a Radio Host and his radio show aired on AM and FM radio stations. Tom's Business Success Radio Show was featured on Chicago’s AM 560 - WIND and provided strategies for coaches, authors, speakers and entrepreneurs

Tom is an active member of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) and AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association).

For more information, email: curranwebinars at gmail dot com

Coach Tom's Personal Story...

I am just like countless Americans who fell into major debt…

Here is my story and My Answer to solve the challenge…

Several years ago, without even realizing it, I was slowly getting deeper and deeper into credit card debt. The debt kept getting bigger and bigger and it was very frustrating because I didn’t know how to get out of the hole I found myself stuck in.

I had an answer in front of me without even realizing it… I have been a listener of Dave Ramsey for many years. When I had my Business Success Radio Show on Chicago’s AM 560, Dave Ramsey’s radio show aired on the radio station.

I kept hearing all the listeners calling into Dave’s radio show and Dave giving them great strategies to get out of debt and become financially free… but he also had the listeners who called into show thanking him because they were able to become completely debt free, buy their dream house, save for retirement and provide for their children’s education while also giving back to their church or a charity they felt passionate about…

I made a decision to take back POWER over my life and financial destiny. I started applying Dave’s Financial Strategies to my life and I started digging myself out of the hole and I ultimately became completely debt free using Dave’s proven strategies that have worked for countless people.

As a result, I decided to contact Dave’s team and go through their complete training program from Dave and his team at Ramsey Solutions to become a Financial Coach.

I am on a personal mission to help other people on their journey to become completely debt free, learn how to easily budget their monthly finances, save for retirement, provide for their children’s college fund and have the ability to give back to their church or a charitable organization you feel passionate about.

Disclaimer: The coaching and consulting call is for educational purposes ONLY and Coach Tom Curran is NOT an accountant, CPA, therapist, psychologist or mental health professional. If you need help in any of the above areas, seek a professional.

Shamrock Coaching, Curran Coaching and Coach Tom Curran shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind whatsoever to any person for a decision or action taken in reliance on the information contained on this website or during the free consultation call. Such damages include, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages. Your use of this website and participating in the free consultation call constitutes your agreement to the provisions of this disclaimer.

 Ramsey-trained Financial Coaches are independent financial coaches offering personal finance coaching and education to help empower you to take charge of your money.

© Shamrock Coaching and Coach Tom Curran
All rights reserved

 200 East Randolph | Suite #5100 | Chicago, IL 60601